Apple Watch Series 6: iFixit’s Teardown Revealed an Excited Changes of this new Apple Watch Series

Apple launched a new smartwatch of Apple watch as series 6. The release’s schedule was on 18th Sept 2020, yesterday Friday.

A little information, there are two types for new series, 40mm, and 44mm. The 40 mm, you can get at $399 / £379 / AU$599 and for 44mm you can get it at $429 / £409 / AU$649. But, for both types, there is also has a couple differences of specs, the price as well.

Recently, iFixit uploaded a teardown about Apple Watch Series 6 on the website. In the teardown, it showed some changes in this new series. The significant changes are about its battery and engine. Here, we’d like to summarize them to you.

First, about the battery, as we said above, there are two types of Apple Watch Series 6. Well, so does the battery. For your information, it more increases than Watch Series 5. The battery for 40 mm uses a 1.024Wh battery for its capacity. It gets increasing by up to 8.5 percent from the Apple Watch Series 5. But, the 44 mm gets a bit smaller than.

The 44 mm, it has increased battery 3.5 percent from Series 5. It uses a 1.17Wh battery capacity in it. By the way, it can stay for 18-hours-all-day.

There is a Taptic Engine. Ifixit said that at the first glance, we see, like, the Taptic Engine used is an old type. But, then, they showed that it is bigger than Series 5. They also mentioned that it is made from 100% recycled rare earth metals and tungsten. That’s Awesome!

That’s about just two a bit more significant changes we provide to you. But, it also has another significant change in Series 6, such as the sensors, brighter display than series 5 (iFixit also revealed that it can get brighter inside), and underneath the stretchy new watchband in model number A2376.

If you’re interested in getting this new series, just go to and get your awesome smartwatch, Apple Watch Series 6!

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Suhaili Sahibul Muna
Suhaili is the editor manager of TechAttract who is passionate about the world of technology. He is a writer who reviews a lot of the latest gadgets. Happy wonderful day!