I Am Not Okay with This: the First Season Just Aired, Attracts the Attention of Netflix User

I Am Not Okay with This is a teenage film bringing the genre of comedy-drama, also there is a supernatural genre in it. This series just aired one season on Netflix on Wednesday, February 26, with a total of 8 episodes. But yesterday, on the 26th, only aired two episodes. Each episode is 30 minutes long of a duration.

I Am Not Okay with This is a serial film telling the story of Sydney (Sophia Lillis), a teenager who is entering a period of transition in her teenage world; facing problems at school and teenager’s life with her friends, Stanley (Wyatt Oleff) and Dina (Sofia Bryant).

Recovering and experiencing problems together. By those, Sydney experienced interference with his feelings and her mind. That’s because of the things that happened around her, such as the problem of passion that began to grow.

Besides of problem at school and her friends, Sydney also has a bad relationship with her family, his father who recently died of suicide, as well as relations with her mother which is not lovely. Sydney’s mother is starred by Kathleen Rose Perkins.

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With all the distractions and discomfort felt, suddenly, Sydney seems to have gained superpowers. She looks like a superwoman. She’s being strong. And that is also quite confusing for her. I Am Not Okay with This is a film based on a graphic novel by Charles Forsman.

The series that just aired 2 episodes on Netflix last night received a good appreciation for Netflix movie lovers. This series raises the genre of family drama then wrapped with supernatural to appear the comedy energy. Moreover, with sex education in adolescents who want to convey in this film.

You can see appreciation from others in the enthusiasm of the viewers, who gave many stars to this film after 2 episodes aired. In IMDb, it gets a rating of 7.9/ 10. That is a pretty decent achievement to make curious for those who have not watched it.

Furthermore, from various Google searches, the place of filming this film is also quite intriguing, along with the soundtracks for this film are also sought after by film lovers.
You can watch streaming this film series on Netflix from 26th February yesterday.

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Suhaili Sahibul Muna
Suhaili is the editor manager of TechAttract who is passionate about the world of technology. He is a writer who reviews a lot of the latest gadgets. Happy wonderful day!